Monday, April 4, 2011

RPA opening day results in first loss of season.

We had a tough one yesterday but don’t hang your heads. First games are there to get that rust , jitters, and everything else out. It was great to see all the support and cheer from everyone even though we were down a lot of runs. Your guys attitude and you keeping your heads up really amazed me. Also, now that we kind of got the rules and how the line ups work out of the way I think things should run smoother for the next game. Now that everyone has had a chance to play different positions please let me know what you guys like and where you feel most comfortable. With all that out of the way let’s get to the highlights.

Bruce Ngo took home our game ball with a towering home run and for his coverage of the field. (more on that later)

Alyson had a couple nice flips at second base to Roy for some key outs.

Ronnia drew the first walk for the ladies in her first at bat and made it all the way to 3rd.

Eye had a great highlight at first base.

Rachel Blum gets the freight train award as she was the first player to take out an opposing team member while running the base paths. She was running really hard to first and the first baseman basically under cut her on the way there and they both collided. Rachel should of definitely been safe. It looked like Rachel got the better end of that collision though in the end and thankfully both players were alright.

Abe kept his title as the best leadoff man in softball with a perfect performance.

Speaking of Abe, him, Bruce and Roy combined for what is the early candidate for play of the year. After fielding a ball in the outfield Abe was able to hit his cutoff man Roy who was barely on the edge of the infield. A runner from the other team was coming home and coming in hot. Bruce ran and covered home and yelled Roy .. Roy.. Roy.. and Roy was able to throw a laser from there right into Bruce’s glove. The runner dove head first to home and as Bruce caught the ball it looked as if he tagged the runner in mid air. I’m not kidding you when I say I saw the runner turn his head in mid air while sliding to see Bruce applying the tag. A great team play in all and it really showed how if we play hard and don’t give up on plays we can make things happen.

Daniel Lee had a great catch in the outfield as well and it is easily our number 2 play of the year thus far. A ball came high to him in Right  Field and he started running up on it. Daniel said afterwards” I went forward and as soon as I did I can hear Bruce yelling.. back… back..”. While at first it looked like a misplay, Daniel was able to take that step back and put his glove up and the rest was history. Abe Diaz said that it looked like a scene right out of the movie sandlot and we were all in agreement. So from now on Daniel’s new name will be SANDLOT. Yesterday was Daniel’s first game as well and with that catch it looked like you would of never knew it.

Anyways, first game is over, I saw good things out there and I am glad to finally meet everyone and put faces to the names from the email. Don’t look to far into the first game because for all of us it is a testing period and figuring out where people need to go and all that fun stuff. We displayed great attitude even in losing and I am proud to see you guys cheering everyone on at every at bat. Great game RPA and we will do better next week for sure!!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

He's back! Bruce Ngo

Ladies and gentleman, in a surprising move that happened just days before our season started Bruce Ngo shouted those 2 magical words and the world was set a buzz. Bruce was asked about his status this year and he replied “I’m back”. These words have not been spoken  since the return of Michael Jordan and since Bruce said them the web has been buzzing. He was even a trending topic on twitter. This man has shaken the softball world once again.
Bruce took a hiatus from the sport to pursue his true passion. That passion was the sport of curling. He started in the minor leagues and quickly made his way to the top of the curling ranks. He and his team made it to the championship but it was one they did not capture. In a crucial 10th set Bruce made a mental error and broke his broom over the curling stone. He cost his team a championship and was heavily beaten up by the press. He chose to retire and mull his future over. After going into hiding for a few months he realized his passion was pitching for RPA softball. His spark was ignited again and he chose to say those two magical words and a comeback happened.
Bruce was not only our pitcher but a great play maker. He would always cover our over throws (mostly coaches) and slide into home plate head first applying tags to anyone who tried to score a run. His bat was a definite asset even though he was the only hitter who hit opposite field in every at bat he had during the season. As soon as he announced his comeback a new deal was struck with RPA and we inked him to once again take the bump and lead the team. Bruce is also a former MVP with the team and he looks to shake the rust from his hiatus this week when RPA plays its first game.

Returning players preview: Gresia Franco

One of our other big name returners this season is Gresia Franco. Last year she had a tremendous season playing third base, outfield and also pitched from time to time.  She was one of the few players to never miss a game and was voted the girls Most Valuable Player for her efforts. Not only did she get a lot of clutch hits that helped RPA go to the playoffs but she also filled in everywhere she was needed. When she was not playing the hot corner she filled in for us in the outfield and made some spectacular plays there as well.
When we did not have our pitcher she volunteered to take the mound also and got us to victory in the only game she has pitched. She along with Don Skramovsky were the only 2 fill in pitchers we had last year and both of them went 1-0. Besides holding a .1000 win percentage she had a very good year fielding the hot corner. Teammates have dubbed her “replay” because of one game where she had 2 softballs screech right at her and she made both catches with ESPN highlight worthy dives. This year she is looking to split time in the infield between 2nd and 3rd base and really hold it down for us.
She also was a great recruiter and had her sisters and brother fill in for us when we were short on players. Her entire family played great at the games they filled in for us and she also leads RPA in most family members recruited. Our analysts and statisticians say this record will never be broken. We can all say it is Cal Ripken like. With her MVP performance last year coach and general manager knew from the get go that we needed to sign her to a long term deal. Within a week of the offseason we are proud to say we signed her for 6 years and 45 million. The sky is the limit for her and experts predict this year she will lead the league in hits, replays, and fans at games which would only drive her stock up for the MVP again this year.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Returning players preview Muhammad Eldereiny

Muhammad Eldereiny is also one of the longest tenured Softball players. He has been a great leader in the club house and also at work. His jersey name is the Iron Sheik and every week he can be seen in the stands battling out with Hulkamaniacs. After his huge defeat at Wreslemania the Iron Sheik quit wrestling and started working in advertising. Most people had no idea that this quiet network buyer used to be a former WWF world champion. The revelation that he was the Iron Sheik happened in one softball game where some old school WWF fans were heckling him.

In true Muhammad fashion he smiled, nodded at the fans and then took the heckling in stride. On the next pitch he proceeded to crush the ball to the deepest part of center field and miss a home run by a few feet. He wound up getting a double but that double is what brought the Iron Sheik back and made him forget his loss at Wrestlemania. The Iron Sheik is known to get a lot of power hits in clutch times and he is also the only person who has been intentionally walked in a game. It has been reported that he broke his hand while trying to do the ever so complicated triple stab move in Call of Duty. Currently he is rehabbing his broken hand with a custom cast that still enables him to play Call of Duty Black Ops. But now he has learned his lesson and is now no longer trying to do the triple stab move. Whether inside the wresting ring or on the softball diamond he is a force to be reckoned with. His ultimate goal is to win the softball championship so the Iron Sheik can really move past that Wrestlemania loss and finally conquer the Hulkamaniacs. 

Monday, March 14, 2011

Returning players preview: Danielle Goon

Danielle Goon is one of the longest tenured softball players at RPA and one of the best girls we have on the team. She was one of the returners who did not attend the meeting because she was doing 1080 flips on a snow board in Big Bear. She was fined $100,000 for breaking her contract and participating in extreme sports. When Danielle is not tearing up the slopes she can be found on the softball diamond playing 2nd and 3rd base. Her lightning fast reflexes are some of the best in the league and she continues to hone them in the off season by participating in sports like dodgeball.
Danielle has come up with many big plays last year and key hits that led RPA to a great season. Many fans chant her name and hold up signs supporting her. Those fans are known as the Goon Troop and the membership for her fan club increases exponentially every year. Besides her superb fielding ability she also has a lot of fun and is one of the most enthusiastic people on the team. Our general manager agreed that getting her signed to a contract this year and for many years to come was a top priority. We as a team are glad to have her name on that dotted line. Danielle also holds the distinction of being one of the 3 original “Step up to the plate” award winners. She was the only girl to win the award and this year she is looking to add more awards to her wall as well as get many more fans into the Goon Troop.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Returning players preview: Elmer Sonco GM and Outfielder

This year is finally year 2 for Elmer Sonco. While he joined last year as a rookie with not many innings logged at the softball diamond, this year he comes in and is now one of seasoned veterans. Right now he feels as if he has the game down to a science and he says everything is just slowing down for him. He is able to read pitches better, see the holes opening up in the field, and take spectacular routes in the outfield for fly balls. Things did not always come easy though. There were times when he felt like he needed to do too much and the results were not up to his standards. This year he is taking it one pitch at a time and just working on putting the ball in play.
He also had a very memorable play last year when a pop fly sailed into right field and went off his glove. Immediately afterwards he left out a big F BOMB in his rage and disappointment. This word was heard all around the 4 softball fields and also traveled a few blocks down Lincoln Boulevard. He uttered this phrase before the ball even dropped to the ground, it was that quick. He was immediately fined by the commissioner and was forced to miss his next two games.
During his suspension he worked at the cages a lot on his swing and also found other words to say that would resonate much better with the commissioner. You could say he was our Rasheed Wallace for that one moment in time but now I say that he is our newest General Manager of RPA softball. He is the man who signs all those free agents, the man who calculates contract payroll, and the man behind the team sitting in the front office. Recently we had a chance to catch up to him and asking a few questions about this season as well as how he is adjusting to his new role as RPA general manager.               

Nick:  Let’s start of by talking about last season. Talk about your fine as well as what happened on the play and what you learned?

Elmer: Last season was in the past and I look forward to a strong season this year. With the core of young talent we have now recruited. Next question! 

Nick: How does it feel to step into the front office this season and become the General Manager of RPA softball? Take us through a typical day of working behind the scenes.

Elmer:  I feel very proud to represent such a great organization. It is a tough job but every day I work behind the scenes to balance our budget, manage payroll, and make sure we are under the league wide salary cap. My biggest goal is to avoid putting us in the luxury tax while signing the top talent.

Nick: What are your predictions for RPA softball this season?
Elmer:  I don’t care what we have to spend or which free agents we pick up the team motto is “Just Win Baby” and this year I expect us to win the gold.

Nick: Thank you for your time today and best of luck to you managing this season.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Returning players preview: Don Skramovsky

Don Skramovsky has been a constant for RPA softball for the last few years. When he is not playing softball for RPA he is busy taking his talents down to other non work related softball teams. If he is not swamped at work with local media buying he enjoys snowboarding and telling jokes. He has been a solid anchor for the team playing multiple positions and spots in the batting order. Over the last year he has emerged as the starting left fielder but he has also started at short stop and also pitched one game for RPA. He won that game and helped tag 3 runners out by covering bases. It was a record day for RPA as the outfielders combined for 3 assists but none of that could have been achieved without the help of Don covering and applying great tags.
Don’s claim to fame is that before his time at RPA he appeared on the MTV game show Yo Momma and actually won the $10,000 grand prize. He continues to show his potential by cracking one of those deadly your momma jokes when the moment seems just right. Don has also completed the L.A marathon in 2009 with a great time. He is also known as a great motivator and a wise teacher. Before his time in Santa Monica he was an intern for the Portland office. After moving down here he brought his famous VZ sweater from Portland and wears it every once in a blue moon to remind us new guys of the old days.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Abe Diaz fined by RPA softball for not attending day 1 of training camp.

Breaking News: ESPN reports Abe Diaz has been fined for not showing up for first day of training camp of RPA softball. He missed film session and there are rumors circulating that he is trying to negotiate a buy out with the team. Sources say he also kicked his award from last year in disgust. There are also rumors of a divorce between him and his wife Sofia Vergara (pictured above) which caused him to miss first day due to meetings with settlement lawyers.  More to follow as details emerge.

Pitchers and catchers report

Today pitchers and catchers reported to camp. Making his triumphant return is none other than Joe Ceglia. He is looking to make an impact and be a Trevor Hoffman project of sorts. By that I mean a former position player who played a hot corner (3rd base) but now is looking to use his arm strength to strike out batters and get some key outs. There are few other pitching prospects in our system but he wants to give it a go and be the ace of the staff.  He was made a few relief appearances before and the numbers do not lie. Below is his stat line


The numbers do not lie. Breaking down his performance only tells us that he is a work horse who appears in a lot of games but also holds runners on and gives up very few runs. Scouts as well as executives are drooling over the potential that he has for the upcoming season. After seeing him pitch I and the General Manager Elmer Sonco decided to sign Joe Ceglia to a 5 year 60 million dollar contract. Joe has been training hard in the off season and watching many hours of slow pitch softball videos to get his form right for the 2011 season. Best of luck this season to you Joe as you take the mound and lead us to the land of victory.

The 2011 season is here!

Ladies and gentlemen the 2011 RPA softball season is upon us. Today we had winter meetings and we went over contracts, watched some game film, explored potential free agents, and met the new people. It was a great turnout. Coach was a little flustered because before the meeting he got an accidental congratulation card on his marriage. For one, Coach is not married so this caught him by surprise.
Back to the meetings, a few veterans showed up to say hello but most were absent because of contract disputes or they were really swamped at work. We met the new players and people seem really excited to take the field and make some contact with those softballs. Coach has announced a practice soon where rules will be gone over and also players can get some practice in and get that rust out of their system before opening day approaches.
Right now we are looking for a new person to take the mound and be the starting pitcher who is ready to take the mound every 6 to 7 days. Our former pitcher and coach the great Bruce Ngo will not be pitching this year. We are all sad by Bruce not taking the mound this year but we know how much softball he plays throughout the year and it is time for him just to take a break. Speaking of Bruce he was the man who invited me to be the coach this year and I could not be happier to take over for his duties. He was my only coach in RPA softball history but he was the best. Rumor has it that he will still be around but not available much due to him taking on a career as a new masked wrestler in the WWE. Best of luck to you Bruce! Hopefully you get that title shot soon and bring home the belt to RPA.
The roster looks to be revamped with a lot of new people but I am excited to meet them all, play, and hit a few happy hours.  Next update will be a breakdown of the returning veterans and also a sneak preview of the new rookie class to join RPA softball. Once the season starts expect pictures, write ups and details on where the next RPA softball player appearance and autograph session will be. My goal here is to get everyone shine and recognize all the awesome and funny things everyone does. Yes even coach himself and the many great people who will join us this season.