Friday, March 18, 2011

Returning players preview Muhammad Eldereiny

Muhammad Eldereiny is also one of the longest tenured Softball players. He has been a great leader in the club house and also at work. His jersey name is the Iron Sheik and every week he can be seen in the stands battling out with Hulkamaniacs. After his huge defeat at Wreslemania the Iron Sheik quit wrestling and started working in advertising. Most people had no idea that this quiet network buyer used to be a former WWF world champion. The revelation that he was the Iron Sheik happened in one softball game where some old school WWF fans were heckling him.

In true Muhammad fashion he smiled, nodded at the fans and then took the heckling in stride. On the next pitch he proceeded to crush the ball to the deepest part of center field and miss a home run by a few feet. He wound up getting a double but that double is what brought the Iron Sheik back and made him forget his loss at Wrestlemania. The Iron Sheik is known to get a lot of power hits in clutch times and he is also the only person who has been intentionally walked in a game. It has been reported that he broke his hand while trying to do the ever so complicated triple stab move in Call of Duty. Currently he is rehabbing his broken hand with a custom cast that still enables him to play Call of Duty Black Ops. But now he has learned his lesson and is now no longer trying to do the triple stab move. Whether inside the wresting ring or on the softball diamond he is a force to be reckoned with. His ultimate goal is to win the softball championship so the Iron Sheik can really move past that Wrestlemania loss and finally conquer the Hulkamaniacs. 

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