Friday, March 11, 2011

Returning players preview: Elmer Sonco GM and Outfielder

This year is finally year 2 for Elmer Sonco. While he joined last year as a rookie with not many innings logged at the softball diamond, this year he comes in and is now one of seasoned veterans. Right now he feels as if he has the game down to a science and he says everything is just slowing down for him. He is able to read pitches better, see the holes opening up in the field, and take spectacular routes in the outfield for fly balls. Things did not always come easy though. There were times when he felt like he needed to do too much and the results were not up to his standards. This year he is taking it one pitch at a time and just working on putting the ball in play.
He also had a very memorable play last year when a pop fly sailed into right field and went off his glove. Immediately afterwards he left out a big F BOMB in his rage and disappointment. This word was heard all around the 4 softball fields and also traveled a few blocks down Lincoln Boulevard. He uttered this phrase before the ball even dropped to the ground, it was that quick. He was immediately fined by the commissioner and was forced to miss his next two games.
During his suspension he worked at the cages a lot on his swing and also found other words to say that would resonate much better with the commissioner. You could say he was our Rasheed Wallace for that one moment in time but now I say that he is our newest General Manager of RPA softball. He is the man who signs all those free agents, the man who calculates contract payroll, and the man behind the team sitting in the front office. Recently we had a chance to catch up to him and asking a few questions about this season as well as how he is adjusting to his new role as RPA general manager.               

Nick:  Let’s start of by talking about last season. Talk about your fine as well as what happened on the play and what you learned?

Elmer: Last season was in the past and I look forward to a strong season this year. With the core of young talent we have now recruited. Next question! 

Nick: How does it feel to step into the front office this season and become the General Manager of RPA softball? Take us through a typical day of working behind the scenes.

Elmer:  I feel very proud to represent such a great organization. It is a tough job but every day I work behind the scenes to balance our budget, manage payroll, and make sure we are under the league wide salary cap. My biggest goal is to avoid putting us in the luxury tax while signing the top talent.

Nick: What are your predictions for RPA softball this season?
Elmer:  I don’t care what we have to spend or which free agents we pick up the team motto is “Just Win Baby” and this year I expect us to win the gold.

Nick: Thank you for your time today and best of luck to you managing this season.

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