Monday, April 4, 2011

RPA opening day results in first loss of season.

We had a tough one yesterday but don’t hang your heads. First games are there to get that rust , jitters, and everything else out. It was great to see all the support and cheer from everyone even though we were down a lot of runs. Your guys attitude and you keeping your heads up really amazed me. Also, now that we kind of got the rules and how the line ups work out of the way I think things should run smoother for the next game. Now that everyone has had a chance to play different positions please let me know what you guys like and where you feel most comfortable. With all that out of the way let’s get to the highlights.

Bruce Ngo took home our game ball with a towering home run and for his coverage of the field. (more on that later)

Alyson had a couple nice flips at second base to Roy for some key outs.

Ronnia drew the first walk for the ladies in her first at bat and made it all the way to 3rd.

Eye had a great highlight at first base.

Rachel Blum gets the freight train award as she was the first player to take out an opposing team member while running the base paths. She was running really hard to first and the first baseman basically under cut her on the way there and they both collided. Rachel should of definitely been safe. It looked like Rachel got the better end of that collision though in the end and thankfully both players were alright.

Abe kept his title as the best leadoff man in softball with a perfect performance.

Speaking of Abe, him, Bruce and Roy combined for what is the early candidate for play of the year. After fielding a ball in the outfield Abe was able to hit his cutoff man Roy who was barely on the edge of the infield. A runner from the other team was coming home and coming in hot. Bruce ran and covered home and yelled Roy .. Roy.. Roy.. and Roy was able to throw a laser from there right into Bruce’s glove. The runner dove head first to home and as Bruce caught the ball it looked as if he tagged the runner in mid air. I’m not kidding you when I say I saw the runner turn his head in mid air while sliding to see Bruce applying the tag. A great team play in all and it really showed how if we play hard and don’t give up on plays we can make things happen.

Daniel Lee had a great catch in the outfield as well and it is easily our number 2 play of the year thus far. A ball came high to him in Right  Field and he started running up on it. Daniel said afterwards” I went forward and as soon as I did I can hear Bruce yelling.. back… back..”. While at first it looked like a misplay, Daniel was able to take that step back and put his glove up and the rest was history. Abe Diaz said that it looked like a scene right out of the movie sandlot and we were all in agreement. So from now on Daniel’s new name will be SANDLOT. Yesterday was Daniel’s first game as well and with that catch it looked like you would of never knew it.

Anyways, first game is over, I saw good things out there and I am glad to finally meet everyone and put faces to the names from the email. Don’t look to far into the first game because for all of us it is a testing period and figuring out where people need to go and all that fun stuff. We displayed great attitude even in losing and I am proud to see you guys cheering everyone on at every at bat. Great game RPA and we will do better next week for sure!!!

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