Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The 2011 season is here!

Ladies and gentlemen the 2011 RPA softball season is upon us. Today we had winter meetings and we went over contracts, watched some game film, explored potential free agents, and met the new people. It was a great turnout. Coach was a little flustered because before the meeting he got an accidental congratulation card on his marriage. For one, Coach is not married so this caught him by surprise.
Back to the meetings, a few veterans showed up to say hello but most were absent because of contract disputes or they were really swamped at work. We met the new players and people seem really excited to take the field and make some contact with those softballs. Coach has announced a practice soon where rules will be gone over and also players can get some practice in and get that rust out of their system before opening day approaches.
Right now we are looking for a new person to take the mound and be the starting pitcher who is ready to take the mound every 6 to 7 days. Our former pitcher and coach the great Bruce Ngo will not be pitching this year. We are all sad by Bruce not taking the mound this year but we know how much softball he plays throughout the year and it is time for him just to take a break. Speaking of Bruce he was the man who invited me to be the coach this year and I could not be happier to take over for his duties. He was my only coach in RPA softball history but he was the best. Rumor has it that he will still be around but not available much due to him taking on a career as a new masked wrestler in the WWE. Best of luck to you Bruce! Hopefully you get that title shot soon and bring home the belt to RPA.
The roster looks to be revamped with a lot of new people but I am excited to meet them all, play, and hit a few happy hours.  Next update will be a breakdown of the returning veterans and also a sneak preview of the new rookie class to join RPA softball. Once the season starts expect pictures, write ups and details on where the next RPA softball player appearance and autograph session will be. My goal here is to get everyone shine and recognize all the awesome and funny things everyone does. Yes even coach himself and the many great people who will join us this season.

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